Get Involved
Together we build better Burlingame Schools. And we can’t do it without you!
Make a meaningful difference on the most local level by volunteering for a BCE leadership or supporting role. BCE is a dynamic, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization that has granted over $18 million in the past ten years to help Burlingame School District create a rich and inspiring education for all TK-8 grade students. Whether you work outside or inside the home, whether you are a mom or a dad, BCE provides meaningful opportunities to use your skills and talents to benefit every child in our district.

Board Openings
Looking for a way to get involved and give back on a local level in a high impact way? Passionate about public education as a foundational, lifelong influence on our children? Join the BCE Board!
Interested? Check out the board role descriptions here and/or contact Jen Faber (president@bcefoundation.org). We are currently recruiting for the following open board positions:
Other Openings
Key VolunteerCorp Positions
Fall Drive Lawn Sign Chair
Site team members help at YOUR school
Web Master with specific experience or training in Wix
Graphic Designer with experience developing Constant Contact templates
Read-a-thon Chair
Read-a-thon Designer
Auction Co-Chairs or Auction Team Members
Social Media (specifically seeking experience creating Reels and extending our reach on FB and IG)
Marketing & Event Support
Endowment Council Members
We welcome volunteers for roles big and small throughout the year in marketing, graphic design, local business development, operations, grant writing, events, project management and outreach. Have a unique skill/talent or don't see your specialty above - we can find a good fit for a rewarding volunteering experience!
We invite you to fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form or contact us at info@bcefoundation.org.
Our TK-8 Public Schools
Our community values strong public schools and our shares the commitment to provide funding to enrich the education of our children.
Your BCE donations make a positive impact every day on every TK-8th grade student and every school in our district: