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Get Involved

Together we build better Burlingame Schools. And we can’t do it without you!

Make a meaningful difference on the most local level by volunteering for a BCE leadership or supporting role.  BCE is a dynamic, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization that has granted over $18 million in the past ten years to help Burlingame School District create a rich and inspiring education for all TK-8 grade students. Whether you work outside or inside the home, whether you are a mom or a dad, BCE provides meaningful opportunities to use your skills and talents to benefit every child in our district.

BCE Volunteer Inquiry Form

Share your time & talents! BCE benefits all seven Burlingame public TK-8 schools and serves more than 3,300 students.  We could not do it without you!  We have open roles big and small, day-time or evening, in-person or from home, so something will meet your schedule and needs.  Get in touch today and we can help find the perfect fit.

School(s) – check all that apply

Thanks for submitting!

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Board Openings


Looking for a way to get involved and give back on a local level in a high impact way?  Passionate about public education as a foundational, lifelong influence on our children? Join the BCE Board!


Interested? Check out the board role descriptions here and/or contact Jen Faber ( We are currently recruiting for the following open board positions:

Other Openings

Key VolunteerCorp Positions

  • Fall Drive Lawn Sign Chair

  • Site team members help at YOUR school

  • Creative Director (click for job description)

  • Web Master with specific experience or training in Wix

  • Graphic Designer with experience developing Constant Contact templates

  • Photographers

  • Read-a-thon Chair

  • Read-a-thon Designer

  • Auction Co-Chairs or Auction Team Members

  • Social Media (specifically seeking experience creating Reels and extending our reach on FB and IG)

  • Marketing & Event Support

  • Endowment Council Members

We welcome volunteers for roles big and small throughout the year in marketing, graphic design, local business development, operations, grant writing, events, project management and outreach.  Have a unique skill/talent or don't see your specialty above - we can find a good fit for a rewarding volunteering experience!

We invite you to fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form or contact us at

Our TK-8 Public Schools

Our community values strong public schools and our shares the commitment to provide funding to enrich the education of our children.

Your BCE donations make a positive impact every day on every TK-8th grade student and every school in our district:

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