Tribute Gifts

Celebrate special occasions, honor accomplishments, or mark milestones.
Inspired by the accomplishments and milestones of students, teachers, staff, volunteers or grandchildren, these Tribute Gifts were made to our Endowment.
Thank you to all who have chosen this special, enduring way of giving.

BCE Endowment Tribute Wall
2023 - 2024​
In honor of Stella Wan. From Sarah Wan-Yau and Joseph Yau
In honor of The Teachers and Staff at Lincoln Elementary. All three kids loved it! From The Maher Family
Lisa Friedman - Thank you for your work with BCE as VP Scholars Circle.
Christine Gutknecht - Thank you for your work with BCE as McKinley Site Director, VP Site Directors, and VP Annual Campaign.
Alana Kleinerman - Thank you for your work with BCE as Franklin Site Director.
Rob Buccieri - Thank you for your work with BCE as Hoover Site Director and Secretary.
Melody Valdez - Thank you for your work with BCE as Washington Site Director.
In Honor Of PTA Council President Carrie Chen. From the PTA Council Executive Board
In Honor Of Eighth Grade Promotion Co-Speaker Abby Zarahn. From Brian Zarahn and Cindy Wong-Zarahn
In Honor of addressing the roots of Bullying to foster healthy learning for all.
In Honor of Claire Coney, Washington Elementary Legend. You will be missed. From The Chu/Yeaton-Massey Family
2022 - 2023​
In honor of Marla Silversmith: We Are Thrilled To Have You as Our Superintendent
In tribute of Rickie Chen's 8th Grade Graduation
In tribute of The Roosevelt Staff for 15 Great Years from Sari & Blake McConnell
In Memory of Walter Singer (2)
Erica Liang - Thank you for your work with BCE as Treasurer.
Carl Hessler - Thank you for your work with BCE as Secretary.
Raven Sarnoff - Thank you for your work with BCE as VP Annual Campaign.
Aric Agresti - Thank you for your work with BCE as VP Business Development.
Manisha Lakhanpal - Thank you for your work with BCE as BIS Site Director.
Kendra Calvert - Thank you for your work with BCE as VP Marketing.
Helen Foo - Thank you for your work with BCE as VP New Families.
2021 - 2022​
In Appreciation Of My Favorite Humanities Teacher, Ms. Heather Polcik
In Appreciation Of My Favorite Science Teacher, Ms. Suzanne Felipe
Congratulations To Our 8th Grade Graduate, Thomas Wright
In Memory of Walter Singer (4)
In loving memory of our Poppy, Walter Singer
In honor of the happy years at BSD for Anya and Aneesh
2020 - 2021​
In appreciation for two of my favorite teachers at BIS from 1993-1996, Mrs. Greenlee and Mrs. Schauer
In Honor Of Liz Anderson | 2020-21 BCE President, On Behalf of Her Years of Service to BCE & Our School Community
In Honor of Highly-Revered Burlingame Teacher, Natalie Delahunt, M.Ed., for her longtime service and Outstanding Leadership on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on behalf of our Burlingame students and community
In honor of Pam Scott, In Gratitude for Your Years of Service to Burlingame's Students
Thanks Ms. Hundley For A Great Year!
In honor of the Special Education and Mental Health Teams That Support Us Thru 2021!
Listings are by school year that the tribute gift was given. We have made every effort to list each name correctly, and we apologize for any errors or omissions.
Please contact with any questions or corrections. Again, we extend our sincere gratitude to all our donors for their continued support of the BCE Endowment Fund.
Learn more about the BCE Endowment Fund and Founder's Circle Campaign
THE ENDOWMENT: Investing for the Future
To provide a source of permanent financial stability to BCE’s annual grant to the Burlingame School District that will meet the needs of future generations of public school students for years to come.
Our great public schools are a key reason that Burlingame is such a desirable place to live. Our schools contribute to strong property values, local businesses, and a vibrant community