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Burlingame Community for Education Endowment Fund

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Investing for the Future

The BCE Endowment Fund was created to be a source of permanent financial stability supporting the needs of future generations of Burlingame public school students for years to come. Our great public schools are a key reason that Burlingame is such a desirable place to live. Our schools contribute to strong property values, local businesses, and our vibrant community. BCE’s Endowment Fund is our commitment to educational excellence and the long term success of our Burlingame schools and community.

The Gift that Keeps On Giving

Designed to work in concert with BCE’s Annual Fund, the BCE Endowment is a permanent, self-sustaining fund where the principal is invested and all or part of the earnings may be used to help support the costs of Burlingame School District programs and goals in a given year. Many school districts have an  Endowment Fund in addition to an Annual Fund to provide more consistent long–term financial support. In years where annual fundraising falls short or state funding is less, the Endowment Fund can help fill the gap.



Reaching Our Goal

We need your HELP to reach our $2,000,000 Endowment Fund Goal.  Once achieved, BCE will be able to preserve investment capital while earnings may be directed to the Annual Campaign Fund.

Join the Founders Circle Today!

BCE Endowment Fund Founders Circle recognizes donors who have made an investment of $10,000 or more including multi-year pledges.


All donors who contribute a major gift towards that effort will be acknowledged in perpetuity in the BCE Endowment Donor Plaza at BIS. You will receive special recognition as a Founders Circle member in the BCE Annual Report and have special access to BCE programming and news throughout the years to help you stay connected to our great community.


Thank you to our Founders Circle Donors and all our Endowment Donors!

How is the endowment different from the annual campaign?

Funds raised by The Annual Campaign are given to the Burlingame School District each year to pay for current essential programs that state funding does not cover. The Annual Campaign supports PE specialists, music, performing arts, world languages, additional teachers, professional development to ensure they are sustained from year-to-year. Contributions made to the BCE Endowment Fund, on the other hand, are invested so they have longevity.

Ways to Donate to the Endowment Fund


Make a multi-year pledge and fulfill your commitment on terms that work for you.

By Check / Mail

Make check payable to BCE Endowment and mail along with a signed one-time fund gift agreement or multi-year pledge agreement to BCE Foundation, PO Box 117730, Burlingame, CA 94011.

Stock Donation

A gift of stock has many tax advantages. Donating stock directly to the endowment fund can easily increase the impact of your donation.

Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

A gift from your donor-advised fund is a convenient way to support the BCE Endowment.   

Planned Gifts

Consider leaving a legacy gift to benefit BCE. You can make a bequest or estate gift, name BCE as the beneficiary of your IRA account or Life Insurance or consider a variety of planned giving options. Ask your attorney or tax accountant about planned giving options.

Tribute Gifts

Feel free to email with any questions.  We love to hear from you!

Donate to the fund.

Make a one-time or monthly donation through our online giving form.  See all ways to give.   

We'd love to connect.

Please contact us at or (650) 766-8969 if you’d like to speak or meet with us about making a gift to the BCE Endowment Fund.

Endowment Council Trustees

Meredith Dunn

Jen Faber

Marni Fligel

Ray Kruck

Sari McConnell

Matt Potter

Peter Stevenson

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