Dear BCE Supporters,Â
Thank you for investing in the future of all our Burlingame School District (BSD) TK-eighth grade students. With your continued support, we granted $2.8M to Burlingame School District (BSD). This grant provides funding for 19 additional teachers in the areas of music and arts, health and wellness, world languages, and elementary intervention and support.
This was our largest grant to date and we are extremely grateful to all the parents, businesses, community members and friends of BCE who contributed to make this possible. BCE’s grant benefits all students in the district and helps our Burlingame community and schools stay strong and desirable!
Our BCE Board is made up entirely of fellow parent volunteers. Accomplishing our goals requires a collective effort, and BCE is committed to:
Leadership through a diverse board composed of parents from all school sites.
Celebrating participation at any amount.
Active engagement with the leaders of our school district, PTAs, and the City of Burlingame.
We have a lot to be proud of for what we accomplished during the 2023-24 school year but we also have our work cut out for us in our work fundraising for the 2024-25 school year. We need your help! Please ask neighbors, friends, and family members to donate to keep great teachers in our community and crucial programs in our schools.
Give early in the school year and at a level that is meaningful to your family. Volunteer your time, talent and leadership to our shared mission. Together, we will be able to continue funding existing programs and help BSD meet additional needs in the future.
With gratitude,
BCE Board President Jen Faber, Executive Director Meredith Dunn, and the BCE Board of Directors

BCE Board of Directors
2023-2024 (past)
Jen Faber
Chaitanya Bhuskute
President Elect
Anthony Jones
Erica Liang or Jackie Xu
Treasurer (through Oct 23)
Rob Buccieri
Christine Gutknecht
VP Annual Campaign
Christina Funk
VP Business Development
Cindy Wu
VP Events
Rebecca Hopkins
VP Marketing
Nicole Mustafa
VP New Families
Lisa Friedman
VP Scholars Circle
Shantel Weinsheimer
VP Site Directors
John Gieseker
BIS Site Director
Alana Kleinerman
Franklin Site Director
Michelle Dow
Hoover Site Director
Meghan Dunne
Lincoln Site Director
Sharyl Wong
McKinley Site Director
Shantel Weinsheimer
Interim Roosevelt Site Director
Melody Valdez
Washington Site Director
BCE Staff
Meredith Dunn
Executive Director
Brigitte Dean
Events & Development Manager
Amy Ng
Operations Manager
Jenese Sieben
Angela Dubovsky
Executive Director thru July 2023
Felicia Ng
Operations Manager thru August 2023
Fabiola Price
Events Manager thru November 2023
Michelle White
Administrative & Communications Specialist thru April 2024
BCE Financials
BCE Granted $2.8M to BSD for the 2024-25 School Year!
Our grant impacts every BSD student from Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade.
We provide our district with the flexible funding it needs to enhance our children's educational experience beyond what would be possible with only public funding
BCE Campaign Grant to Burlingame School District

BCE Revenue and Expenses
Revenue | FY 2022-2023 | % of Total | FY2021-2022 | % of Total |
Annual Giving Campaign* | $2,113,922 | 70% | $2,047,000 | 68% |
Events & Business Sponsors | $404,000 | 14% | $522,000 | 17% |
Employer Matching | $449,699 | 16% | $437,000 | 15% |
Total Gross Income** | $3,091,880 | 100% | $3,006,000 | 100% |
Less Expenses*** | $403,386 | $424,000 | ||
Total Net Income | $2,688,495 | $2,582,000 | ||
Grant to BSD**** | $2,700,000 | $2,650,000 |
BCE's Fiscal Year (FY) begins July 1 and ends June 30.
* Annual Giving Campaign comprises all direct donations including Fall Drive and Fund-a-Need
** Excludes BCE Endowment fundraising. As a result of rounding, numbers in this table may not total gross income
*** We are proud to report an expense ratio of 14.3% of gross revenue and which factors in all fundraising, staff and event expenses.
**** Difference between grant and net revenue due to changes in other unrestricted funds and/or BCE reserve.

BCE Grant Breakdown

Thank you to the BCE Volunteer Corps!
Aimee Yip
Anabelle Herrera Gomez
Birte Scholz
Byung Choung
Carman Chan
Carrie Chen
Clarissa Bukhan
Dana Howells McFadden
Deborah Peri
Eric Storey
Felicia Widjaja
Helen Foo
Iona Machado
Joan Lafferty
Kamy Lowenthal
Katie Meger
Lani Williams
Leslie May
Liz Anderson
Marie Doria
Maya Scofield
Melanie Smith
Michelle White
Neha Masson
Penny Crespo
Phyllis Choi
Ruchika Julapalli
Shannon Delucchi
Sonia Castellanos
Susan Caccia
Tricia Betts
William Liu
Alitsiya Yusupova
Angel Liu
Brent Jenkins
Camille Zanette
Carmen Petrossian
Christina Geheran
Corinne Chu
David Levitt
Diana Garner
Erin Efner
Gina Flemming
Henry Yeung
Jamie Lubeck
Julie Tajeldin
Kate Tobias
Kendra Calvert
Lanying Ma
Leslie Yeh
Liz Ray
Marni Fligel
Megan Clendenin
Melanie Wang
Mira Chiang
Nhieu Warner
Peter Stevenson
Pri Carr
Sarah Simson
Sheena Gomez
Stacey Arbues
Susan Cooper
Vicky Terry
Amy Weil
Bermet Mamatalieva
Brittney Aitken
Cammy Rempel
Carolyn Way
Christina Tsui
Cyndi Wright
Dayna Lau
Elaine Ko
Fabiola Price
Hanneke Finones
Hilary Henshaw
Jennifer Lin
Kacy Church
Katie Caponigro
Krista Cohendet
Lena Draper
Ling Wang
Maria Comas
Matt Potter
Meghan Scimeca
Michelle Jones
Neda Weems
Pamela Hung
Phuong Tran
Ray Kruck
Sari McConnell
Sherry Wang
Summer Xia
Tina Chan
Wendy Yeh

BCE Endowment Fund
The BCE Endowment Fund is designed to be a permanent, self-sustaining fund.
A $2,000,000 Endowment Fund goal will enable BCE to preserve investment capital while increasing the annual grant to BSD. The BCE Endowment Fund will help sustain our strong community and keep the high quality of Burlingame public schools for years to come.

Endowment Fund Balance
Our TK-8 Public Schools
Our community values strong public schools and our shares the commitment to provide funding to enrich the education of our children.
Your BCE donations make a positive impact every day on every TK-8th grade student and every school in our district: